世界秩序 作者:[美] 亨利·基辛格


    40. 在撰写本书时,阿富汗仍不肯正式承认与巴基斯坦的边界;印度和巴基斯坦对克什米尔地区有争议;印度和中国就阿克赛钦和藏南地区争执不下,1962年还因领土争端打了一仗;印度和孟加拉国表示愿意谈判解决两国在彼此领土上几十个飞地的问题,但没有达成协议,还因在这些领土上巡逻的问题发生过冲突。

    41. See Pew Researter Fion and Public Life,The Glious Landscape: A Report oribution of the Worlds Majious Groups as of 2010(Washington, D.C.: Pew Researter, 2012), 22.

    42. European Russia, or Russia west of the Ural Mountains, stitutes roughly the westernmost quarter of Russias landmass.

    第六章 通往亚洲秩序之路:对抗还是伙伴关系?

    1. See Mark Maribute System: Aive Essay, inThe ese World Order, ed. John K. Fairbank (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Uy Press, 1968), 63.

    2. See Mark Mana at the ter: 300 Years n Poliew York: Free Press, 1984), 16ndash;20; Johe Searodern d ed. (Ne. Norton, 1999), 197 202.

    3. Yingshih Yuuml;,Trade and Expansion in Han a: A Study iure of SinoBarbarian Eis (Berkeley: Uy of ia Press, 1967), 37.

    4. Qianlongs First Edig Gee III (September 1793), inThe Searodern a: A Dotary , ed. Peikai g, Michael Lestz, and Jonathan Spene. Norton, 1999), 105.

    5. 摄政王代乔治三世国王摄政,因为乔治三世得了精神病。

    6. The Emperor of ese Recorder 29, no. 10 (1898): 471ndash;73.

    7.Papers Relating tn Affairs Apanying the Annual Message of the Preside Sessioyeighth gress (Washington, D. C.: U.S. Govering Office, 1864), Dor. Burlio Mr. Seeking, January 29, 1863), 2:846ndash;48.

    8. James Legge,The ese Classics; with a Translation, Critid Exegetiomena, and dexes, vol. 5, pt. 1 (Hong Kong: Lane, Crawford, 1872), 52ndash;53.

    9. See Raen Ally: as World War II, 1937ndash;1945 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013).

    10. Sixty Points  Methods;a Draft Resolution from the Office of the tre of the CPC: 19.2.1958, ihology and Bibliography, ed. Jerome don: Oxford Uy Press, 1970), 63ndash;66.

    11. National Iimate13770: unist ternational Posture (November 12,197 the Dragon: National Iimates on a During the Era of Mao, 1948ndash;1976, ed. John Allen, Johom Elmore (Pittsburgh: Govering Office, 2004), 593ndash;94.

    12. See Graham Allison, Obama and Xi Must Think Broadly to Avoid a Classiew York Times, June 6, 2013; Richard Rosece,The Resurge:How a Transatlanti t War aed States and Europe(New Haven, .: Yale Uy Press, 2013).

    13. In a speech of February 13, 2009, Secretary of State Hillary he Obama administrations Pivot to East Asia regiy, the extent of which has yet to be fully elaborated.

    14. As quoted in Zhu Majie, Deng Xiaopings Human Rights Theory, inCultural Impaternatioions, ed. Yu Xintian, ese Philosophical Studies (Washington, D.cil for Resear Values and Philosophy, 2002), 81.

    15. 由于德国实现了统一,第一次世界大战前欧洲的均势只剩了5个参与方。见第二章。

    第七章 代表全人类行事:美国及其秩序观

    1. Speeerica (1775), in Edmund Burke,Oy, and Reform: Speeches

    aers, ed. David Bromwiew Haven, .: Yale Uy Press, 2000), 81ndash;83. 伯克同情美国独立战争,因为他认为这是英国式自由的自然演进。他反对法国大革命,他认为这场革命破坏了几代人努力的成果,也破坏了自然发展的前景。

    2. Alexis de Tocqueville, g Their Poiure, inDemo Ameris. Gee Lawreneer  Row, 1969), 46ndash;47.

    3. Paul Leicester Ford, ed.,The Writings of Thomas Jeffers. P. Putnams Sons, 1892ndash;99), 8:158ndash;59, quoted iud David dripire of Liberty: The Stateas Jefferson (New York: Oxford Uy Press, 1990), 11.

    &o Moober 24, 1823, as ex tal Policy of the Ues: The A of ited States Magaziic Revieril 1859, 23.

    &o Madison, April 27, 1809, in ibid.

    6. 对来自英格兰和北欧的移居者来说,在很大程度上是这种情况;而来自西班牙的人则把它主要看作有待开发的领土,居住在那里的土著人将转而皈依基督教。

    7. John Winthrop, A Model of  Charity (1630). See Brendan Simms, Europe, 36.

    8. Publius [Alexao 1, ion, James Madison, and John Jay, The Federalist Papers (New York: Mentor, 1961), 1ndash;2. 这里的帝国是指拥有完全主权的独立实体。



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