世界秩序 作者:[美] 亨利·基辛格


    11. Suganami, Japao Iioy, 186ndash;89.

    12. & Millard Fillmore to the Emperor of Japaed by odore Perry on July 14, 1853), in Francis Haerry,he Expedition of an Ameri Squadron to the a Seas and Japan, Performed in the Years 1852, 1853, and 1854, Uhe odore M. C. Perry, Ues Navy, by overhe Ues(Washington, D.C.: A. O. P. Ni,1856), 256ndash;57.

    13. Translation of the Japao President Fillmores letter, in ibid., 349ndash;50.

    14. Meiji Charter Oath, inJapa Dots, ed. W. W. M (Bethesda, Md.: Uy Publierica, 1979), 8.

    15. Japanese memorao the Ameri Secretary of State Cordell Hull, December 7, 1941, as quoted in Pyle,Japan Rising, 207.

    16. See, for example, Yasuhiro ical View of the Postwar stitution (1953), in Sources of Japaioheodore de Bary, Carol Glud Arthur E. Tiedemann (New York: bia Uy Press, 2005), 2:1088ndash;89. 中曾根这篇讲话是在哈佛大学的国际研讨会上做的,开办研讨会是为使世界各国的年轻领导人接触了解美国的学术环境。中曾根论称,为了加速日本与美国永久友谊的发展,日本的独立防卫能力应当加强,与美国的伙伴关系应更加平等。30年后中曾根成为日本首相,卓有成效地推动了这方面的政策,并得到了美国总统里根的支持。

    17. Natiorategy (Provisional Translation) (Tokyo: Ministry n Affairs, December 17, 2013), 1ndash;3. The dot, adopted by Japaed that its principles will guide Japans natioy policy over the  decade.

    18. S. Radhakrishnan, Hinduism, inA Cultural History of India, ed. A. L. Basham (New Delhi: Oxford Uy Press, 1997), 60ndash;82.

    19. 葡萄牙探险家瓦斯科middot;达middot;伽马就是这样对卡利卡特的国王解释的(卡利卡特是今天印度的科泽科德,当时是全球香料贸易的中心之一)。达middot;伽马和手下的船员因为有机会在印度兴旺的香料和宝石贸易中分一杯羹而兴奋欣喜。他们也受了关于普莱斯特middot;约翰的消失的王国这一传说的影响。许多中世纪和近代早期的欧洲人相信,普莱斯特middot;约翰是一位强大的基督徒国王,住在非洲或亚洲。See Dain, The Discoverers (New Ye Books, 1985),104ndash;6, 176ndash;77.

    20.The Bhagavad Gita, trah Easwaran (Tomales,ilgiri Press, 2007), 82ndash;91; Amartya Seative Indian: Writings on Indian History, Culture, ay (New York: Picador, 2005), 3ndash;6.

    21. See Pye, Asian Poolitidash;41.

    22. Kautilya,Arthashastra, trans. L. N. Rangarajan (New Delhi: Penguin Books India, 1992), 6.2.35ndash;37, p. 525.

    23. Ibid., 9.1.1, p. 588. Prussias Frederick the Great, on the eve of his seizure of the rovince of Silesia roughly two thousaer, made a similar assessmeer 1.

    24. Ibid., 6.2.39ndash;40, p. 526.

    25. Ibid., 9.1.21, p. 589.

    26. Ibid., 7.6.14, 15, p. 544.

    27. See Roger Boesche,The First Great Political Realist: Kautilya and His Arthashastra (Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2002), 46; Kautilya,Arthashastra, 7.13.43, 7.2.16, 9.1.1ndash;16, pp. 526, 538,588ndash;89.

    28. 按照考底利耶的观念,征服四海的统治者的王国是北起喜马拉雅山,南至大海,自东到西1 000由旬(yojana,古印度长度单位,约相当于11.2公里)的地方;等于现代的巴基斯坦、印度和孟加拉国的领土之和。Kautilya,Arthashastra, 9.1.17, p. 589.

    29. See Breat Political Realist, 38ndash;42, 51ndash;54, 88ndash;89.

    30. Max Weber, Politics as a Vo, as quoted in ibid., 7.


    32. Robert Kaplan,The Revenge of Geography:  Tells Us About ing flid the Battle Against Fate(New York: Random House, 2012), 237.

    33. Joh Seeley,The Expawo Courses of Lea, 1891), 8.

    34. Sir John Stradia (London: Kegan, Paul, Trench, 1888),as quoted in Ramadra Guha,India After Gaory est Demoew York: Ecco, 2007), 3.

    35. Jawaharlal Nehru, Indias Fn Policy (speech delivered at the t Assembly, New Delhi, December 4, 1947), inIndepeer: A  of Speeches, 1946ndash;1949 (New York: John Day, 1950), 204ndash;5.

    36. As quoted in Baldev Raj Nayar and T. V. Paul, India in the World  for MajorPower Status(NewYe Uy Press, 2003), 124ndash;25.

    37. As quoted in ibid., 125.

    38. Jawaharlal he Banduiittee (1955), as printed in G. M. Kahin,The AsianAfrifereha.Y.: iversity Press, 1956), 70.

    39. Agreement (with Exge of rade and Iwee Region of d India, Sig Peking, on 29 April 1954, Uioy Series, vol. 299 (1958), 70.



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