世界秩序 作者:[美] 亨利·基辛格


    9. John OSullivaioes Magaziic Review,Julyndash;August 1845, 5.

    10. John Quincy Adams, An Address Delivered at the Request of the ittee of s of Washington, 4 July 1821 (Washington, D.C.: Davis and Force, 1821), 28ndash;29.

    11. Ibid.

    12. 从东往西迁移从理论上讲,是指世界统治权的转移,即最高政治权力宝座的时空变化:从巴比伦和波斯到希腊,到罗马,到法国或德国,再到英国和(摩尔斯设想的)美国。乔治middot;伯克莱(Gee Berkeley)在关于美洲艺术和学识前景的诗歌中就有如下著名的诗句:

    帝国走向西行之路;前四节已经落幕,第五节是大戏的终点,最后往往是关键一步。13. Jedidiah Morse,The Ameri Geography; or, A View of the Present Situatioed States of Amerid ed. (London: John Stockdale, 1792), 468ndash;69, as exMaierritorial Expansioory with Dots, ed. Amy S. Greeo. Martins, 2012),

    14. John OSullivaion of Futurity,Ues Magaziic Review, November 1839, 426ndash;27.

    15. OSullivaion, 9ndash;10.

    16. See Amanda Foreman,A World oains Crucial Role in the Ameri Civil War(New York:Random House, 2011); Howard Jones,Blue and Gray Diplomacy: A History of Union ae Fions (Chapel Hill: Uy of North a Press, 2009).

    17. Foreman, World on Fire, 784. 美国武装部队人员从南北战争结束时的1 034 064人下降到 18个月后的正规军 54 302人、志愿军11 000人。

    18. Fareed Zakaria,From ower: The Unusual ins of Americas World Role (Prion, N.J.: Prioy Press, 1998), 47.

    19. Grover d, First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1885, inThe Public Papers of Grover d (Washington, D.ent Printing Office, 1889), 8.

    20. Thomas G. Paterson, J. Garry Clifford, ah J. Hagan,Ameri Fn Policy: A Histton, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1977), 189.

    21. Theodore Roosevelt, Inaugural Address, March 4, 1905, ies gressio 484 (Washington, D.ent Printing Office, 1905), 559.

    22. Theodore Roosevelt, Iional Peaobel lecture, May 5, 1910, inPeadash;1925: ures (Singapore: World Stific Publishing Co., 1999), 106.

    23. Roosevelts statement to gress, 1902, quoted in John Morton Blum,The Republi Roosevelt (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Uy Press, 1967), 137.

    24. Roosevelt t Rice, December 21, 1907, iers of Theodore Roosevelt, ed. H. W. Brands (Lanham, Md.: Rowman  Littlefield, 2001), 465.

    25. Theodore Roosevelt, review ofThe Influence of Sea Power upon History, by Alfred Thayer Mahan,Atlantithly, October 1890.

    26. Theodore Roosevelt, The Strehe Strenuous Life: Essays and Addresses (New York: tury, 1905), 9.

    27. 当德国和英国战舰1902年向长期负债累累的委内瑞拉行进,准备强制收回一笔早就逾期的贷款时,罗斯福要求两国保证不得以追债方式寻求领土和政治扩张。但德国代表只承诺放弃永久性占有领土(留下了建立期限99年的租界的可能,如英国在埃及以及英国、德国在中国所做的那样),罗斯福于是威胁发动战争。他随即派一支美国舰队挥师南下,并把委内瑞拉海港的地图发放给媒体。这一策略奏效了。罗斯福保持沉默,好让威廉皇帝保全面子,退出这场危机。这个时候,德意志帝国在委内瑞拉的野心遭到了决定性重创。See Edmund Morris, Theodore Rex (New York: Random House, 2001), 176ndash;82.

    28. Theodore Roosevelts Ao gress for 1904, HR 58AK2, Records of the U.S. House of Representatives, RG 233, ter fislative Arational Archives.

    29. Ibid.

    30. 为展示美国的力量,罗斯福本人亲自前往视察运河区建设工程,这是美国在任总统第一次离开美国本土。

    31. Morris,Theodore Rex, 389.

    32. Ibid., 397.

    33. Roosevelts statement to gress, 1904, quoted in Blum,Republi Roosevelt, 134.

    34. Morris,Theodore Rex, 495.

    35. Letter to Kermit Roosevelt, April 19, 1908, in Braers, 482ndash;83.

    36. Roosevelt to Admiral Charles S. Sperry, March 21, 1908, in ibid., 479.

    37. Roosevelt to Hug, October 3, 1914, in ibid., 823.

    38. See James R. Holmes,Theodore Roosevelt and World Order: Police Power iioions(Washington, Books, 2007), 10ndash;13, 68ndash;74.

    39. Roosevelt, Iional Peace, 103.

    40. Roosevelt tie, August 6, 1906, in Braers, 423.

    41. ilso Address at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point (June 13, 1916), inPapers of ilsohur S. Lion, N.J.: Prioy Press, 1982), 37:212.

    42. ilsoo a Joint Session of gress oions of Peauary 8, 1918) (Fourteen Points), as quoted in A. Sc,Wilson (New Y. P. Putnams Sons, 2013), 471.

    43. 总体而言,美国先后与玻利维亚、巴西、智利、中国、哥斯达黎加、丹麦、厄瓜多尔、法国、英国、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、意大利、挪威、巴拉圭、秘鲁、葡萄牙、俄国和西班牙签订了这种仲裁协定。它还开始与瑞典、乌拉圭、阿根廷、多米尼加、希腊、荷兰、尼加拉瓜、巴拿马、波斯(即现在的伊朗)、萨尔瓦多、瑞士和委内瑞拉开始签约谈判。Treaties forthe Adva of Pea the Ues and Other Potiated by the Honorable William J. Bryaary of State of the Ues, with an Introdues Brown Sew York: Oxford Uy Press, 1920).



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