世界秩序 作者:[美] 亨利·基辛格


    19. See Roxanne L. Euben and Muhammad Qasim Zaman, eds.,Pris in Islamist Thought: Texts as from alBanna to Bin Ladeon, N.J.: Prioy Press, 2009), 49ndash;53.

    20. Hassan alBanna, Tht, in ibid., 58ndash;59.

    21. Ibid., 61ndash;62.

    22. Ibid., 68ndash;70.

    23.Sayyid Qutb,Milestones, 2nd rev.English ed. (Damascus, Syria: Dar alIlm, n.d.), 49ndash;51.

    24. Ibid., 59ndash;60, 72, 84, 137.

    25. For a dis of the evolution from Qutb to bin Laden, see Lawrehe Looming Tower: AlQaeda ao 9/11 (New York: Random House, 2006).

    26. 奥巴马总统在与加拿大总理哈珀举行的联合记者招待会上的讲话,2011年2月4日;2011年2月6日接受福克斯电视网的采访时,奥巴马总统针对埃及的谈话;总统对埃及的表态,2011年2月11日。

    27. 总统对叙利亚局势的谈话,2011年8月18日。&&<"" target="_blank"><> target=&_blank&&<"" target="_blank"><>

    28. Mariam Karouny, Apocalyptic Prophecies Drive Both Sides to Syrian Battle for Eers, April 1, 2014.

    29. 应利雅得的要求,以阻止萨达姆middot;侯赛因夺取沙特阿拉伯油田的任何企图。

    30. See Message from Usama BinMuhammad Bin Ladin to His Muslim Brothers in the Whole e the Arabian Peniion of Jihad Against the Ameris Og the Lawo Holy Mosques; Expel the Hereti the Arabian Peninsula, i, a bin Ladis, 1994ndash;January 2004, 13; Piscatori, Order, Justid Global Islam, 279ndash;80.

    31. For aion of this phenomenon, see David Danelo, Anarchy Is the New Normal: Uional Gover tury Statecraft (Fn Policy Researstitute, October 2013).

    第四章 美国与伊朗:不同的秩序理念

    1. Ali Khamenei, Leaders Speeauguration of Islamig and Ulama ce (April 29,2013),Islamig 1, n 2013).

    2. Ibid.

    3. Islamivitatiohe Leader of Islamid Oppressed People Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei: Islamig Il. Events, November 27, 2011.

    4. 关于这一传统,最著名的例子之一是公元前6世纪波斯阿契美尼德帝国的开国君主居鲁士解放被巴比伦奴役的人民,包括犹太人。自称四极之王的居鲁士推翻巴比伦帝国进入巴比伦后发出敕令:巴比伦所有的奴隶都可自由返乡,一切宗教都将得到包容。居鲁士是第一个推行宗教多元主义的统治者。据信2 000年后,托马斯middot;杰斐逊读了色诺芬的《居鲁士的教育》中的这个故事后深受激励,对居鲁士高度赞扬。See The Cyrus der: Diplomatic Whirl, Earch 23, 2013.

    &he History, trans. David Grene (Chiiversity of Chicago Press, 1987), 1.131ndash;135, pp. 95ndash;97.

    &h M. Pollack,The Persiahe fli Iran and Ameriew York: Random House,2004), 18ndash;19. See also John Garver,d Iraners in a Postimperial World (Seattle: Uy of Washington Press, 2006).

    &tahedeh, The Mahe Prion and Politi (Oxford: Oneworld, 2002), 144; Reza Aslan, The Epi, imes, April 30, 2006. 阿布卡萨姆middot;费尔多西在伊斯兰教征服波斯两个世纪后写成的史诗《国王之书》叙述了波斯被伊斯兰教征服之前光辉灿烂的传说。身为伊斯兰教什叶派教徒的费尔多西通过史诗中的人物之口哀叹:诅咒这个世界,诅咒这个时代,诅咒这个命运/野蛮的阿拉伯人把我变成了穆斯林。此言捕捉到了波斯人复杂的心情。

    8. See Sahe Iranians: Persia, Islam, and the Soul of a Nation (New York: Plume, 1998), 109n1.

    9. Ruhollah Khomeini, Islamient, inIslam ais aions of Imam Khomeini (1941ndash;1980),trans. Hamid Algar (North Haledon, N.J.: Mizan Press, 1981), 48ndash;49.

    10. As quoted in David Armstroion and World Order: The Revolutioernatioy (New York: Oxford Uy Press, 1993), 192.

    11. Khomeini, Islamie Day of Gods Goverhe Religious Scholars Led the Revolt, inIslam aion, 147, 265, 330ndash;31.

    12. R. le Jr., Will Khomeini Turn Irans Clock Back 1,300 Years?, imes, February 4, 1979.

    13. See Charles Hill,Trial of a Thousand Years: World Order and Islamism (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 2011), 89ndash;91.

    14. 这些活动基本上是秘密的,因此有关报告必然只能披露其中的一部分。有人说德黑兰在一定程度上和塔利班以及基地组织合作,或至少默许它们的活动。See, for example, Thomas Keaohe 9/11 issio (Ne. Norton, 2004), 61, 128, 240ndash;41, 468, 529; Seth G. Jones, Al Qaeda in Iran, Fn Affairs, January 29, 2012, &&<"rticles/137et="_blank">rticles/137061/&<> target=&_blank&&<"rticles/137061/&&" target="_blank">rticles/137061/&&<> sethgjoneslqaedainiran.

    15. Akbar Ganji, Who Is Ali Khamehe Worldviereme Leader,Fn Affairs, September/October 2013. See also Thomas Jos, Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, aion, L, January 28, 2011.



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