世界秩序 作者:[美] 亨利·基辛格


    8. Don Clark, lsquo;Ihings in Reach,Wall Street Journal, January 5, 2014.

    9. Smola,Human Face of Big Data, 135.

    10. See David pert and Phillip Sauhe Paradox of Power: Sirategis in an Age of Vuly (Washington, Defey, 2011).

    11. Ralph Lauxing a Cyberoy and Privao. 3 (2011): 49ndash;52.

    12. Rex Hughes, quotih Alexareaty for Cyberspaational Affairs 86, no. 2 (2010): 523ndash;41.

    13. Publius [James Madiso 10, in Hamilton, Madison, a Papers, 46ndash;47.

    14. See Digital Set to Surpass TV ih US Media: Mobile Helps Propel Digital Time Speer., August 1, 2 that the average Ameri adult spends 5 hours per day online, on nonvoice mobile activities or with ital media and 4.5 hours per day watg television); Briaer, 8 Hours a Day Speudy Fiimes,March 26, 2 that adults are exposed to ss... for about 8.5 hours on any given day).

    15. T. S. Eliot, Colles, 1909ndash;1962 (Boston: Harcourt Braovich, 1991), 147.

    16. Betsy Sparrow, Jenny Liu, and Daniel M. Wegner, Google Effenitive ces of Having Informatiertips,So. 6043 (2011): 776ndash;78.

    17. See Nicholas Carr,The Shallows: What the I Is Doing to Our Brains(Ne. Norton, 2010).

    18. Erik Brynjolfsson ah, The Great Equalizer? er Choice Behavior at Is (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Sloan Sent, 2001).

    19. , Reendation Teology: Will It Boost Eerputer 39, no. 5 (2006): 13ndash;16.

    20. See arter Than You Think: How Teology Is inds for the Better (New Yuin Press, 2013).

    21. Sd ew Digital Age, 35, 198ndash;99.

    22. See for example, Ofeibea QuistAressages Used to Incite Violeional Public Radio, February 20, 2008 and When SMS Messages Incite Violenya,Harvard Law Ster  Dem, February 21, 2008. For a dis of this and other examples, see Morozov, Delusion, 256ndash;61.

    23. 也就是说,预测分析领域方兴未艾,既用于商业用途,也用于政府领域,预测社会和个人层面的思想和行为。See Eric Siegel, Predialytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die (Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley  Sons, 2013).

    24. For aion of this cept, particularly as applied to the ercial realm, see Lanier,Who Owure?

    25. See Chapter 3.

    26. MayerSberger aa, 150.

    27. Edmuioion in France (1790; Indianapolis: Hackett, 1987), 29.


    1. For a pelliion of this shift and its possible implis, see Charles Kupes World: The West, the Risihe ing Global Turn (New York: Oxford Uy Press, 2012).

    2. The seminal rospects for a world ordered on such a basis is Samuel Huntington,The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (New York: Simon  Schuster, 1996).

    3. Oion and appeal of different models, see Joh and Adrian We,The Fourth Revolution: The Global Ravee (New Yuin Press, 2014).

    4. Edmuo CharlesJeanFra, November 1789, iy, and Reform, 412ndash;13.

    5. G. S. Kirk ahe Presocratic Philosophers: A Critical History with a Sele of Texts (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge Uy Press, 1957), 193, 195, 199 (ous); Friedriietzsche,The PrePlatonic Philosophers, trans. with entary by Greg Whitloa: Uy of Illinois Press, 2001).

    6. Henry A.Kissihe Meaning of History:Refle Speoy (ue thesis, Departme, Harvard Uy, 1950).



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